Controlling Costs for your Health

Controlling Costs for your Health, yes, my favorite topic, appeared to me in an article in the Contra Costa Times recently about curing diabetes.  A test was done in Britain recently that had great results for reversing type 2 diabetes.  It was a very small group and the diet was quite restrictive but the results were pretty incredible.  The calorie reduction was done to reverse the percentage of fat in the pancreas where insulin is made.

This isn’t the first time a study has been done to reverse diabetes, but it is the first time it made a headline on the front page of the newspaper.

I watched a DVD a couple of years back about reversing diabetes.  This one wasn’t quite as popular since it was done with a raw food diet.  Gabriel Cousens, M.D. operates the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center  in Patagonia, Arizona.  He was able to reverse diabetes for the people in the program in 30 days who were cooperative and went along with the plan.  There were a couple of people that couldn’t hang in with the program but I’m guessing that happens with any kind of program.


If you had a serious medical condition and there was an option to “fix” your condition, would you try it?  Some people will say they don’t have the will power.  But will power is really just motivation.  Would you be motivated enough to follow a program, even if it were strict, that would wipe out or maybe just reduce the symptoms of a serious medical condition.

In today’s world there seems to be a pill for everything.  Have high cholesterol?  Take a pill.  Have diabetes?  Take a pill.  Can’t sleep at night?  Take a pill.  These can all be very serious issues and cannot and should not be overlooked.  But any time you take a medication there are always side affects.  I’m not saying you shouldn’t take medications in any way shape or form, but I am saying you should give exercise and modifying your diet a try too.


This isn’t just about saving money on co-pays or even lowering an insurance premium.  Sure you could save money on prescription co-pays and doctor office co-pays if you were able to change your habits enough to stop taking a medication.  But look at the bigger picture.  If you were able to reverse diabetes, it isn’t just about the cost of medications.  It’s your health.

Diabetes, if you control it and keep it under control (which by the way is a lot of work too) you could probably keep other health issues from popping up.  But diabetes can cause incredible health issues, blindness, kidney failure, amputations.  And the kicker, diabetes is usually preventable.  No, not always, but taking care of yourself and either not getting it in the first place or reversing it once you have it is doable.  You just can’t take no for an answer.

Tell me what your priority is.

Health Care Reform – Insurers are seeing the light

Health Care Reform has finally made at least one insurance carrier stand up and say “We Do Care”. At least that’s the way I see it and all we need is just one insurance company to step up to the plate.  Once one carrier takes a stand maybe others will follow.

balloons for a celebration

Thank you Blue Shield of California!

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Controlling Health Care Spending

Controlling health care spending by taking care of yourself seems to be my number one passion.  I just can’t help it.  I recommend different ideas on how to save premium with your health insurance, but I know in my heart if I help spread the word about taking care of yourself this will help you save money and more importantly save your health. Is there anything more important than your health?  So no more apologies from me.


Enjoy the great outdoors and get healthy

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Lessons about Long Term Care Insurance

Senior CareLong Term Care insurance has taught me a few lessons in the recent past.  Awhile back I wrote about my Mom and how she lives in an assisted living facility because she has Alzheimer’s.  Having a loved one with an illness like that can be an emotional roller coaster for sure.  Here are some of the things I’ve learned.

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Health Care Reform and anti-anxiety relief

Zen rocks

Health Care Reform and Controlling Health Care costs can come in many forms.  Do you ever find yourself lost and overwhelmed with work?  Maybe you find email and the internet and social networking a little overwhelming.  You are not alone! Read the rest of this entry »

Health Care Reform and the ACO

Health Care Reform and the ACO might be an answer to keeping costs under control at least somewhat.  ACO is the acronym for Accountable Care Organization, which despite the name is not another government agency.

I should have been a Specialist!

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Health Care Reform and the Kingdom of Cost


Queen of Health Care Reform

Queen of Health Care Reform

Once upon a time a new leader was elected.  The new leader wanted to make sure everyone was covered for health insurance and put together a group that created a plan to cover pretty much every one in the kingdom (aka Health Care Reform).  The plan had great ideas to keep the people healthy with preventive care and to eliminate life time maximums so that no one would be cut off from insurance if they had big health issues.  But the people who put the plan together forgot about how to control costs other than making the insurance companies keep their costs low with medical loss ratios. Read the rest of this entry »

Healthy Eating can control your costs

Healthy Eating can control your costs when it comes to healthcare.  Before I start, I know some of you out there might be rolling your eyes.  Here she goes again, nagging me about taking care of myself.  But this time it’s different.  Okay, not really, but I still like to give you ideas about how to make a few changes and have better health which will control your costs in the end!

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Health Care Reform cost

Health Care Reform cost is still quite the topic of the day.  I read an article in the Contra Costa Times this last Sunday by Tom Barnidge titled “A Dose of reality on health Care“.  The article quoted a fellow insurance broker, Colleen Callahan, who was quite surprised when she read a commentary from Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, who touted how great the federal Health Care Reform bill is that he supported.

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Self Healing can Control Your Healthcare Costs

Self Healing can Control Your Healthcare Costs, and I can prove it!  The middle of last summer, my friend, Donna Buessing, introduced me to a great book called Pain Free by Peter Egoscue.  Donna heard of the book from someone at her gym and told me about it when I told her I had foot pain for more than a year and I was looking for some relief.  Donna had a copy of the book and she let me borrow it.  I didn’t want to keep it long since she was working on her own issue, so I took the book home, studied it and followed the exercises that night.

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