Controlling Health Care Spending

Controlling health care spending by taking care of yourself seems to be my number one passion.  I just can’t help it.  I recommend different ideas on how to save premium with your health insurance, but I know in my heart if I help spread the word about taking care of yourself this will help you save money and more importantly save your health. Is there anything more important than your health?  So no more apologies from me.


Enjoy the great outdoors and get healthy

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Lessons about Long Term Care Insurance

Senior CareLong Term Care insurance has taught me a few lessons in the recent past.  Awhile back I wrote about my Mom and how she lives in an assisted living facility because she has Alzheimer’s.  Having a loved one with an illness like that can be an emotional roller coaster for sure.  Here are some of the things I’ve learned.

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Health Care Reform and anti-anxiety relief

Zen rocks

Health Care Reform and Controlling Health Care costs can come in many forms.  Do you ever find yourself lost and overwhelmed with work?  Maybe you find email and the internet and social networking a little overwhelming.  You are not alone! Read the rest of this entry »

Health Care Reform and the ACO

Health Care Reform and the ACO might be an answer to keeping costs under control at least somewhat.  ACO is the acronym for Accountable Care Organization, which despite the name is not another government agency.

I should have been a Specialist!

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